12 Weeks Pregnant: Your Weekly Pregnancy Guide

At 12 weeks pregnant, your first trimester symptoms are beginning to wane.

Welcome to week twelve of your pregnancy! I’ve always found this week to be a milestone.

Although I‘m not quite through the first trimester, subtle changes between pregnancy weeks eleven and twelve mean that I’m beginning to have moments of feeling a bit more like myself.

Pregnancy Week 12 Guide

In this week’s guide, we’ll take a look at the big (and small) ways your baby is changing. We’ll also review what pregnancy symptoms you might be having as well as why you want to start planning your babymoon.

Baby’s Growth at 12 Weeks Pregnant

While you may still be waiting for your baby belly to show, your baby has continued steadily growing. He’s doubled in size and currently weighs one-half ounce. At two inches long your little one is the size of a small plum or lime.

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Within her body, organs are continuing to mature. The pituitary gland is now producing hormones, the bone marrow is making white blood cells, and the digestive system will begin contracting this week. Additionally, baby’s intestines (which initially poked into the umbilical cord) are retreating back into the abdomen.

Your baby’s main task is continued growth. Over the coming weeks, your little one will begin adding weight and length and looking more and more like a newborn.

Ultrasound at 12 Weeks Pregnant

If you have an ultrasound around twelve weeks pregnant, you’ll find that baby looks much different than on earlier ultrasounds. His head, torso, and limbs are much more defined.

Additionally, typically being about two inches, baby’s profile in an ultrasound picture will provide you a life-size look at your baby.

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Here’s an ultrasound from my fifth baby at 12 weeks:

Ultrasound at 12 Weeks Gestation

Symptoms at 12 Weeks Pregnant

You may find that this week brings some relief from those early pregnancy symptoms. While it’s likely that they’ll be sticking around for another couple of weeks, I’ve always found that week 12 brings longer stretches without nausea and a bit more energy.

Here are some things to keep in mind about pregnancy symptoms at week twelve:

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  • Nausea and fatigue will start to get slightly better.
  • The urge to urinate will begin decreasing.
  • Heartburn will likely begin soon (especially at night).
  • Headaches might increase (try to keep hydrated to avoid these).
  • You may find an increase in clear discharge (this is normal).
  • You shouldn’t have any continued spotting by week twelve (call your doctor if you do).

Mom’s Baby Belly at 12 Weeks Pregnant

If this is your first pregnancy, the outside observer likely won’t be aware of your news. However, it’s likely that you’ve noticed your baby belly beginning to show. It’s time to pull out your looser, less-restrictive clothing, so you can be comfortable all day.

By week twelve, your uterus can be felt just about your pubic bone. Your doctor will be feeling for it at your next appointment. This is a great time to begin weekly pregnancy photos. If you haven’t already, you may be wanting to share your news soon (before your belly shares it for you).

A Dad’s Perspective Through Pregnancy Week 12

While I like to think of myself as a fairly static person (my humor is pretty much always the same, like it or not), I find that my jokes don’t always go over very well in the first couple months of pregnancy. Comments that I expect to get chuckles or smiles go unnoticed.

Just when I think I’m losing my edge, however, in comes week twelve. Suddenly I’m back to getting a pat on the back for my corny dad-jokes. Be patient. In the second trimester, you’ll get some real laughs again!

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Planning a Babymoon

The end of the first trimester is a perfect time to begin thinking about a babymoon. While definitely a more recent trend, a babymoon is a chance to travel with your partner for a getaway before your family dynamics adapt with the addition of a new little person.

Planning a babymoon now (and traveling within the second trimester) means you’ll be able to take advantage of the energy and ability to easily move around that the second trimester provides. Not sure if you really need a babymoon? Check out these ten reasons why a babymoon is the perfect escape for you and your partner.

So sit down, poll your friends, and plan a vacation to remember. If you’re looking for inspiration, take a peek at our top three babymoon destinations.

Jess Wartinger

Jess Wartinger

Jess Wartinger resides in rural New York with her husband and five children. Formerly an early elementary teacher, Jess currently spends her time loving her kids and holding down the fort at home.

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